Welcome to TomasG's World

Sunday, April 04, 2004

As I was walking by a huge church on King Street, in Charleston SC, I heard the bells making music in the air. My mind, some how, began race, the first thought was "The Truth shall set you free." Then there were bunch of other phrases that came up, mostly from readings I have done in the past. The interesting thing is "The Truth shall set you free." is a phrase found in the bible and was the reason why I came out of the closet and left church. I told myself that if I want to honor God as a good Christian should do, I couldn't live a lie. To not be open about being gay is living in a lie. I couldn't handle that.

The truth remains, no, the aftermath of realizing that Truth shall set me free has indeed set me free to experience life in many ways. I am not saying that all of my experiences in the past 7 years since I came out of the closet as a gay person has been incredible and wonderful. The experience has been a growing experience in all ways possible. I was set free from constant battle of denying my true self as a gay person to where I can experience the good and bad parts of life as a person. Being gay isn't the entire component of my life. I am Tomas, that is who I have been, currently am and will be. I am being honest with myself and with the world with who I am.

As my mind continues to fill up with phrases and comments, the next phrase that stopped me for a moment and I had to take notice of this particular question. Does Truth and Honest mean the same thing? I do have to admit that my brain is a bit crazy, because I had a full debate session in my brain auditorium on the resolution that Truth and Honest are not the same thing. Truth is substance while honest is like a flashlight. When someone says "Be honest." We choose whether or not to shine that light on the whole truth, or on a little truth and tell what is in the shadow, the murky area of truth. Being honest isn't 100% fool-proof. However there isn't a way to prove that until we find the answer to What is Truth?

I am going to admit that this pursuit of What is Truth is probably the best thing that happens to me at this moment. My perception of Life is focus on Truth. I was watching an episode of Roseanne where Becky made some alcoholic drinks for her friend and herself. When her friend's mother came over and told Roseanne and Dan that Becky got her daughter drunk. When Roseanne was giving Becky the 3rd degree, Roseanne said "Are you telling me the truth?" That striked me a bit funny when I saw that line because I would expect a line like this: "Be honest! Is that all you did?" or something like that. This statement seems to support the Truth as substance and honest as a flashlight.

If Truth is a substance, then how do I rationalize the statement I read in another book, The Wisdom of Solitude by Jane Dobisz. Paraphrasing what she said is that the truth comes from nothingness. So if Truth comes from nothingness, I suppose that would mean that truth has no substance, and is just simply there in everything and nothingness. This would, then, reinforce that absolute truth is the truth.

Is Truth the absolute truth, or is Truth whatever we define Truth to be
