Welcome to TomasG's World

Friday, June 13, 2008

You can't help but wonder where we are going.

Sometime life throws a curveball.

The weather is wacky,

For it is dry in California,
For it is cold in Seattle,
Wet in the upper Midwest,
and so hot in the New England.

Crimes abound, tearing little towns apart.
What are we doing?
Fight against each other,
when we should pray for each other
Honor the Earth,
and Celebrate each moment that we are alive.

We never know what tomorrow may bring.
We don't know if we will wake up tomorrow.
We should treasure each moment that we live.

Give thanks to the Earth, The Sky, The animals, The trees, The rivers, The lakes, the ponds and everything around us. Without them, we wouldn't be alive.

Let's stop tearing this nature up, live in peace with the animals. Love the trees for they give us air to breath.
