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Monday, April 05, 2004

Maybe I am going a little crazy with the idea of the pursuit for "What is Truth". A friend told me last night that I should consider dropping this because I will make myself crazy. I told him that The Truth is the Life and what I think is possible at this moment is that we can make our own truth, but it has to be in harmony of the Truth. So in the essence of Life lies the Truth, whether or not we like the Truth, it is there and always will be there.

Keeping in mind that The Truth is always there, I wonder if we are allowed to have our own version of truth? Like the Governor in the movie The Passion of Christ said "My truth is..." he goes on to explain that his truth compose of things that not many people may be aware of, such as an order from the Emperor. In this view, I suppose truth is our lens and our filters as we use while living on this Earth. I would think that our truth is in the state of fluctuation.
