Welcome to TomasG's World

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Hmmm, a couple of comments have revealed that they want an update about the date I was suppose to have on Sunday. Well, it didn't happen because of couple of things...the place where we were suppose to meet had an Easter gospel-fest so it was packed with people. Also, I think we missed each other because we didn't recognize each other. I have only met the guy once, talked to him on the phone a couple of times, sent each other several emails. There was one guy who I thought may be the guy, I have met so many people and when I met this guy, it was in a group so I am a bit vague as to whether or not it was him. But this guy I saw in the park is a hot rugby built guy.

Then later on that night, I went to Pantheon, a gay dance club a block from where I live, I saw him again. I couldn't muster up enough courage to ask him if his name was B. My friends said I should have told them that and they would have done it for me. Ahh, that is what I get for being shy.
