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Thursday, November 04, 2004

A New Dawn!

What shall I say for this entry? I am not really sure because it feels like my whole life is a mess. I have invested so much of my time and energy into this presidential election, only to find out the candidates that I supported loses the election. It makes me wonder if it is worth my time to invest in politics.

Of course I spent some time grieving over the results of November 2, 2004 election. Not only do I have to put up with Bush as POTUS, I also have to put up with Matt Blunt as Missouri Governor. But I have decided that I shouldn't feel defeated. I don't anymore, because I have a plan of action. I figured that I have two years at least to put together a non-profit organization with tax code 501(c)4 that is classified as political education. This organization will learn as much as possible about different states and their electoral process and begin to educate deaf people.

This is one step, another step is write letters to congress folks...that might be a problem since they aren't accepting snail mail, so I will have to find their email address from www.senate.gov and www.house.gov. That means I have to stay on top of many important things and also means that I need to know which Representative or Senator is on which committee. I am going to make sure that I do share my concerns and make my concerns known to the people who are elected to represent us in the law making process.

Another step that I will take as long as it doesn't present a conflict of interest with the non-profit organization is getting involved with groups such as Democracy for America, MoveOn.Org and other things like this. I also think I should join the local Democratic organization and get myself involved in local politics, state politics and national politics.

This is the conclusion of today's entry, and I promise to do more frequent entries from now on.
