Welcome to TomasG's World

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Life is Crazy...that I think everyone can relate. I took a vacation after the election. I couldn't handle all the stuff that was happening. I was more mad at myself for making some choices that didn't have the kind of consquences I wanted or hoped for.

As for going back to school, that is a problem. I still can't find a job so that I can pay off what I owe and have money for the following semester. Hopefully I will find one soon, if not then ACK! my best friend and I are looking at maybe moving to Kansas City because then I can probably have a better chance at finding a job there. We will see how that goes. He has to find a job first so that we can move there. Yes we have already talked about this. He wants me to live with him and I am excited at that thought. Finally I can be out of the apartment that I am currently sharing with my mom.

A chat buddy suggested an idea that I should think about doing an extreme makeover using my website. I am not sure if people know that I have my own domain name. I have been thinking about it but I am afraid that if I fall off the bandwagon that I would not only be disappointing myself but be disappointing everyone else who go to my website to see the progress. But I am still thinking about the idea. It is a great motivation. I just may go for that.

The book I am currently reading is See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar. It is a very good book, and old too. It was published way back before I was born but it has timeless wisdom that can be applied to my life right now. I am glad I have this book in my library.
