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Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!

2005 holds a promise that it would be a great year. I am going to hold that promise and believe that 2005 would the best year for me. I have had an opportunity to review the year 2004 and I realized that I have grown so much as a person.

I think my growth has to do with being open to learning new things and reaching to the point of getting "old", a milestone of having a few months left before becoming 30 years old. I have also experienced a lot in the past year by getting involved in politics, looking for a job, being very depressed, angry, frustrated, lonely, and did I mentioned depressed?

I also learned that whatever I believe in comes true, even if I say the opposite when I tell people. For example is I told people that I would be back at Gallaudet for the Spring 2005 semester. Well I thought that something will stop me from going back. Well something did stop me, it is the money, for now that is. But I do have a plan and hopefully it will carry out this year.
