Today I would like to focus on death in the context of finding out What is Truth? It has been a year since my father died and that I have been home. Death is probably the most toughest thing for me to deal with, and probably for many others as well. I have spent a year grieving over my father's death mostly because I feel guilty of how I have treated him for a long time. I have always felt that he was just another annoying person in my life. All he wanted was to share my life with him , and have good father-son relationship.
I realized that I have been angry against everyone because I have felt like that the world owed me a good life and everything that I dreamed of. My dad couldn't provide that while I was growing up. Now that I look back and realize these things, my dad is still teaching me new things about life. I am blessed to have him as my father, more than anything I can only wished that I felt that way while he was alive.
sometime one who is willing to let the Silence reveal things will learn to appreciate life more.
the kingdom of silence has its own perspective and mode of evaluating life as we know it. The life we take so seriously is simply an embryonic stage in relation to the vast life in the quietude. Death is but a moment before birth and a long journey ahead for the soul. Death is the final move out of our physical 'home' that has served our souls as a medium for certain experiences and learning processes we would not have gained otherwise.
Monastry without Walls, pg 123